They include an approximation of the original 3D model, not the model itself, so you don't get|you aren't getting|you do not get} colours, textures or materials, which could be an advantage or a disadvantage relying on what you wish to print. PLY files include a description of one object as a group of vertices, faces and other parts. The data can include color, transparency, surface and texture particulars and rather more. When 3D printing, you change a PLY file into the format accepted by the CNC machining 3D printer.
They include an approximation of the original 3D model, not the model itself, so you don't get|you aren't getting|you do not get} colours, textures or materials, which could be an advantage or a disadvantage relying on what you wish to print. PLY files include a description of one object as a group of vertices, faces and other parts. The data can include color, transparency, surface and texture particulars and rather more. When 3D printing, you change a PLY file into the format accepted by the CNC machining 3D printer.